Tượng Di Lặc Ngồi Dưới Gốc Cây Tùng – A Symbol of Prosperity and Happiness

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Tượng Di Lặc Ngồi Dưới Gốc Cây Tùng (Di Lặc Statue Sitting Under Pine Tree) has been a symbol of good fortune and happiness in Vietnamese culture for centuries. The statue is often depicted as a cheerful, bald, and pot-bellied monk with a contagious smile, sitting under a pine tree, holding a sack of treasures, and surrounded by playful children.

Brief History and Origin of Di Lặc Statue

Tượng Di Lặc nhỏ với khuôn mặt tươi cười và bụng to

The legend of Di Lặc dates back to ancient China, where he was known as BudaBudai was a Zen monk who lived in the 10th century and was famous for his teachings of compassion, kindness, and contentment. When he died, his followers created a statue of him to honor his memory and teachings. The statue depicted him as a jovial and jolly monk with a big belly, a wide smile, and a sack of treasures, which he used to give to the poor and needy.

Over time, the statue of Budai became known as Di Lặc in Vietnamese culture, and it became a popular symbol of happiness, abundance, and good fortune. Today, you can find Di Lặc statues in homes, businesses, and public places all over Vietnam, where they are believed to bring wealth, luck, and prosperity.

Significance of Di Lặc in Vietnamese Culture

Nhóm người cầu nguyện và dâng hoa cho tượng Di Lặc khổng lồ

In Vietnamese culture, Di Lặc represents the values of generosity, kindness, and contentment. He is believed to bring good luck, fortune, and abundance to those who possess his statue. Many people believe that Di Lặc’s presence in the house or workplace can increase productivity, reduce stress, and promote harmony.

Moreover, Di Lặc is also associated with Buddhism, and his statue is often used as a reminder to practice mindfulness, compassion, and meditation. Di Lặc’s cheerful demeanor and carefree attitude represent the idea of letting go of worries and finding peace in the present moment.

Overview of the Article

Điêu khắc gỗ tuyệt đẹp của Di Lặc ngồi trên cành cây tùng

In this article, we will explore the meaning and symbolism of the Di Lặc statue, the benefits of owning a Di Lặc statue, the different types of statues, how to properly display and care for your statue, and the importance of Di Lặc in Vietnamese culture. So, let’s dive into the world of Di Lặc and uncover the secrets of prosperity and happiness.

Meaning and Symbolism of Di Lặc Statue

Tượng Di Lặc đầy màu sắc với nhiều biểu tượng và vật phẩm tốt lành

The Di Lặc statue has many meanings and symbols that make it a unique and fascinating piece of art. Let’s dive into the different elements that make up the statue.

The Posture and Appearance of Di Lặc

Di Lặc is often depicted as a jovial and jolly monk with a big belly, a wide smile, and a bald head. His large belly represents wealth and abundance, while his smile and bald head symbolize contentment and enlightenment. Di Lặc’s posture, with his legs crossed and his hands holding a sack of treasures, represents the idea of letting go of material possessions and finding joy in the present moment.

The Meaning Behind the Accessories and Items He Holds

The accessories and items that Di Lặc holds have significant meanings and symbols. The sack of treasures that he carries represents the abundance and wealth that he brings to those who possess his statue. The children playing around him symbolize the innocence and joy that come with a carefree life. The prayer beads around his neck represent the Buddhist practice of meditation and mindfulness.

The Symbolic Significance of Di Lặc’s Presence Under a Pine Tree

The pine tree under which Di Lặc sits has its own symbolic significance. In Vietnamese culture, the pine tree represents longevity, success, and good fortune. The evergreen nature of the pine tree symbolizes immortality and eternity. The combination of Di Lặc and the pine tree creates a powerful symbol of prosperity, longevity, and happiness.

In conclusion, the Di Lặc statue is more than just a piece of art; it is a representation of the values and beliefs of Vietnamese culture. The statue’s posture, appearance, accessories, and surroundings all have important meanings and symbols that make it a unique and fascinating piece of art.

The Benefits of Owning a Di Lặc Statue

Tượng Di Lặc cao với nụ cười thanh thản và cây gậy trong tay

Di Lặc statues have long been revered for their ability to bring good fortune and prosperity into the lives of those who own them. Here are some of the benefits of owning a Di Lặc statue:

How Di Lặc statue can bring prosperity and luck into your life

Di Lặc is often depicted holding a sack of treasures, which represents wealth and abundance. Having a Di Lặc statue in your home or business is believed to attract positive energy and good luck, which can help you achieve your goals and aspirations. Many people also believe that Di Lặc can help them overcome financial difficulties and attract new opportunities for success.

The positive impact of Di Lặc on your mental and emotional well-being

Di Lặc’s cheerful demeanor and carefree attitude can have a positive impact on your mental and emotional well-being. Many people believe that having a Di Lặc statue in their home or workplace can reduce stress, promote relaxation, and improve their mood. Di Lặc’s presence is also said to inspire feelings of contentment, gratitude, and inner peace.

The practical benefits of having a Di Lặc statue at home or in the workplace

In addition to the spiritual and emotional benefits, owning a Di Lặc statue can also have practical benefits. For example, Di Lặc’s presence in the workplace is believed to increase productivity, encourage teamwork, and promote a positive work environment. Many business owners also believe that having a Di Lặc statue in their store or office can attract more customers and increase sales.

In conclusion, owning a Di Lặc statue can bring a multitude of benefits into your life, both spiritual and practical. So, why not invite this jolly and benevolent monk into your home or business today?

Types of Di Lặc Statue

If you’re interested in buying a Di Lặc statue, you’ll be happy to know that there are many different types of statues available. Each type of statue has its unique features, meaning, and significance. Here are some of the most popular types of Di Lặc statues:

Standing Di Lặc Statue

Standing Di Lặc statues depict the jovial monk standing upright, often with one hand raised in greeting, and the other hand holding a sack of treasures. These statues are believed to bring good luck, wealth, and prosperity. They are often placed near the entrance of homes and businesses to welcome good fortune.

Sitting Di Lặc Statue

Sitting Di Lặc statues represent the monk in a seated position, often with his legs crossed, holding a sack of treasures, and surrounded by playful children. These statues are believed to bring peace, harmony, and contentment. They are often placed in living rooms, bedrooms, and meditation areas to promote relaxation and mindfulness.

Laughing Di Lặc Statue

The laughing Di Lặc statue is a joyful and playful version of the monk, often depicted with a wide-open mouth, laughing heartily. This statue is believed to bring happiness, good luck, and prosperity. It is often given as a gift to loved ones or placed in the workplace to promote positivity and productivity.

Material and Color of Di Lặc Statue

The material and color of the Di Lặc statue are also significant. The most common materials for the statue are bronze, wood, and jade. Bronze statues are believed to be the most powerful and long-lasting, while wood and jade statues are more affordable and have their unique charm. The color of the statue is also important. A gold-colored statue represents wealth and prosperity, while a red-colored statue represents good luck and happiness.

Choosing the Right Di Lặc Statue

When choosing a Di Lặc statue, consider your needs, preferences, and budget. Think about where you want to place the statue and what message you want it to convey. Do you want a standing or sitting statue? Do you want a laughing or serious statue? What material and color do you prefer? Take your time to find the right statue that resonates with you and brings you joy, prosperity, and happiness.

In the next section, we will discuss how to properly display and care for your Di Lặc statue to ensure its longevity and effectiveness.

How to Properly Display and Care for Your Di Lặc Statue

Di Lặc statues are more than just decorations; they are symbols of good fortune and happiness that require proper care and attention. Here are some tips on how to properly display and care for your Di Lặc statue.

The Best Location and Position to Place Your Di Lặc Statue

The location and position of your Di Lặc statue are critical to its effectiveness. It is essential to place your statue in a spot where it can be easily seen and appreciated. Here are some tips on where to place your Di Lặc statue:

  • In the living room or family room: The living room or family room is an excellent place to showcase your Di Lặc statue. It is a place where family members gather, and the positive energy of the statue can be easily felt.

  • In the office or workplace: If you want to improve productivity and reduce stress in your workplace, then consider placing a Di Lặc statue in your office. It can help create a calm and peaceful environment.

  • Facing the front door: Placing your Di Lặc statue facing the front door is believed to bring good luck, fortune, and prosperity into your home.

The Proper Ways to Clean and Maintain Your Statue

To keep your Di Lặc statue looking its best, you need to clean and maintain it regularly. Here are some tips on how to clean and maintain your statue:

  • Use a soft, dry cloth: To remove dust and debris from your statue, use a soft, dry cloth. Avoid using water or any cleaning solutions as they can damage the statue’s surface.

  • Avoid direct sunlight: Direct sunlight can fade the color of your Di Lặc statue. It is best to avoid placing it in direct sunlight or under a bright light.

  • Handle with care: Di Lặc statues are delicate and need to be handled with care. Avoid dropping or knocking over your statue, as it can result in chips or cracks.

Tips on How to Enhance the Positive Energy of Your Di Lặc Statue

To enhance the positive energy of your Di Lặc statue, you can add some accessories or make some changes to its surroundings. Here are some tips:

  • Place a bowl of oranges or other fruits near your statue: Oranges are a symbol of good luck and fortune in Vietnamese culture. Placing a bowl of oranges near your Di Lặc statue can enhance its positive energy.

  • Add some green plants: Adding some green plants near your statue can create a peaceful and calming environment.

  • Light a candle: Lighting a candle near your Di Lặc statue can create a relaxing and soothing atmosphere.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your Di Lặc statue remains a symbol of prosperity and happiness in your life.


In conclusion, the Tượng Di Lặc Ngồi Dưới Gốc Cây Tùng is a symbol of prosperity, happiness, and good fortune in Vietnamese culture. The statue’s jovial demeanor, big belly, and sack of treasures represent the values of generosity, kindness, and contentment. Owning a Di Lặc statue can bring positive energy, luck, and abundance into your life, and it can also serve as a reminder to practice mindfulness, compassion, and meditation.

At Tượng Phật Đẹp, we offer a wide range of high-quality and exquisitely crafted Di Lặc statues made from various materials such as wood, bronze, and stone. We pride ourselves on providing our customers with the best products that meet their needs and preferences.

If you’re looking for a meaningful and beautiful gift for yourself or someone special, consider getting a Di Lặc statue from Tượng Phật Đẹp. Let the statue of Di Lặc bring joy, prosperity, and happiness into your life today.


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